Music Composition & Production for any Occasion

Specializing in game music, films of all types, and special events such as weddings, plays, educational seminars, and many more.

Latest Music

My Approach

Creative Analysis

When approaching the correct mood and feeling that accompanies any artwork, it's important to consider the primary emotion that's being captivated. As a client, you send me any materials you can ranging from images, to similar style videos, to just a plain description of what you are trying to encapsulate in your work.

Musical Composition

Once I have analyzed what you need, I create my initial thoughts into musical ideas on the piano where I can quickly iterate on melody, rhythm, harmony, and tempo.

Finalized Production

Once I have figured out all the moving parts to the soundscape I am trying to create for you, I finalize all the specific instrumental sounds in Logic Pro and master all the levels in order to produce the highest quality sound for your project.

About Me

I'm Jonathan Carlisle, a composer and pianist who enjoys music of all types. From film scores and video game soundtracks to metal and pop records, I find there is always something to be inspired by. If you have a project that needs music, whether it be an orchestral score from an electronic-infused atmosphere or maybe something that's never been done before, I would love to work with you and talk about how best to set the tone.

As a composer, I incorporate various genres and sounds to capture the feelings needed for a project. Using and having access to a wide range of live and virtual instruments opens the doors for a traditional or unique sound. I've had the opportunity to showcase my compositions and have been recognized with awards from ASCAP, Hal Leonard, and MTNA. Some of my wide range can be heard on the soundtracks from the VG series.

As a pianist, I'm classically trained and enjoy playing music of all genres. I've received awards from CCM (College-Conservatory of Music) SCPA & had an opportunity to perform for the White Classical Music Series. I also play around Cincinnati as a private or house pianist. From fine dining to weddings, I have the pleasure of playing and sharing music for a live audience. Check out some of my latest piano pieces on the album Opus. 1 or the Sleepy E.P.